
Online meetings and electronic voting

For Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders (AGOA and AGEA)

Safe planning and secure conducting online meetings and e-voting for institutions and organisations. Shareholders can vote from any device, wherever they are.

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With Voting.ro, it is easier than ever to plan and organize formal meetings and vote securely. Shareholders no longer have to travel to attend Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings, saving valuable time and costs. Access to the meetings and the voting process are as safe as possible and participants have all the information they need to make a correct decision.


From planning the meeting, uploading documentation, to starting the meeting and the voting system - all steps, information and results provided by the voting solution are kept secure.


We use best practices that ensure alignment with the most demanding standards, in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Romanian capital market.

Client focus

We have designed an attractive, user-friendly interface that is extremely easy to and manage, requiring no technical training, with customisation options according to your own visual identity and functionality tailored to specific needs, such as a bilingual interface.

Flexible licensing

Because every organisation has a unique set of needs, we've designed a flexible licensing system that truly delivers money value.


The solution is compatible with various operating systems (Windows, iOS, Android, etc.) and can run on any common device (laptop, desktop, tablet, mobile phone).


Complete software solution for the secure planning and conducting online meetings and electronic voting - AGMs and EGMs



Discover the versatility of our software solution's functionality that will transform the way you work and bring you greater efficiency.

  • Organizing the meeting

    You can plan a meeting or the entire annual calendar by selecting for each attendee list, the proposed agenda items and the documents distributed to participants.

  • Online meeting

    Shareholders access the platform via secure login. In the same interface, participants can watch the meeting live, access the uploaded documentation or interact on the forum. The platform has the option of simultaneous translation (Romanian-English).

  • Electronic voting

    The system is designed to provide transparency or discretion and uses automatic quorum and result calculation tools, including cumulative voting, in accordance with the legislation in force.

  • Registration
  • View agenda
  • Online voting
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Voting platform


We have combined decades of practical experience in the IT environment with legal expertise to provide our clients with the most secure and efficient platform for online meetings and e-voting.

  • Low costs

    Using the Voting platform to organise meetings and voting at General Meetings means time saved for shareholders and reduced travel costs. In addition, the licensing model ensures that the organisation is using a solution with minimal cost and superior functionality.

  • Increased efficiency

    Minimal effort for shareholders to attend and participate in AGMs facilitates the achievement of the quorum and therefore the smoothness of decision-making processes. Documentation is easily accessible, time allocation can be better controlled and the calculation of quorum and results is done automatically in real time.


Platform workflow

In order to respond to the specific needs of each organisation and in line with the resources at its disposal, we have designed a flexible workflow model.

work process
  • Step 1


    Setting the date, time and location of the AGM, setting the reference date, drafting and distributing the documentation, drafting the agenda, convening the shareholders in accordance with the law and the company's articles of association, receiving the shareholder file from the Central Depository.

  • Step 2

    Setting the parameters of the meeting(s) on the VOTING platform

    Adding the agenda, adding the documentation, importing the shareholders from the Central Depository.

  • Step 3

    Activate the platform on the reference date

    Shareholders can register to attend the AGM/AGEA and are approved by the Beneficiary. Participants can vote online until the date of the meeting. They can change their vote as many times as they wish. The Beneficiary adds postal votes to the platform.

  • Step 4

    Conduct of the meeting

    Shareholders attending physically are added to the platform, realtime audio/video transmission for online shareholders with equipment provided by Redvector, secondary realtime audio transmission on the English channel with translator, debate and discussion on agenda items, voting on proposed resolutions, centralisation of online, physical and postal votes.


Partners about us

The quality of our service is reflected in the opinion of our partners.

Ms. Raluca Kasap
Head of Investor Relations - Electrica
Electrica's AGM Voting app is an innovative and efficient solution, a corporate governance tool that has become essential for strengthening investor relations and the success of our company in the era of digitalization.

With its intuitive interface, it offered our shareholders the possibility to be actively involved in the company's decisions, to be able to dialog directly with the management, through online participation and voting at the AGM.

Through its advanced functionalities it has allowed us to manage more efficiently the complicated processes related to the organization of AGMs, thus managing to be more transparent and closer to investors.
Mr. Sorin Ștefănuț
Manager - IBIOL
Great solution

We aimed to use the online voting solution to ensure transparency and user-friendliness in the meetings of the Scientific Councils of the Institute of Biology in Bucharest.